About me

I'm a Systems/Linux Sysadmin from England, specializing in maintaining and optimizing server environments. My role involves ensuring the reliability, security, and efficiency of your IT infrastructure.

I'm experienced with a variety of technologies, including server environments, virtualization technologies, automation tools in the cloud and databases. I'm also skilled in scripting languages such as Bash and JavaScript. Check out my GitHub profile in the links above to learn more about my Tech Stack.

I enjoy Linux system administration, and I'm also passionate about JavaScript. In my spare time, I code Discord Bots and work on various Web Backend (API) projects. I am learning Web Frontend alongside Spanish.

My services

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    Systems Engineering

    Setting up and maintaining server environments.
    Ensuring the reliability, security, and efficiency of clusters.

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    Backend Web Development

    Creating secure and efficient APIs.
    Delivering crucial data to your apps with minimal latency.

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    Discord Bot Development

    Delivering the next-generation of Discord Bots.
    Automating your server with custom commands and features.

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    Management of your blog or project documentation.
    Creating engaging content for your audience, or legal documents for your business.


  • Lily L

    Lily L

    I've been working with Jack for over three years now and not once has he managed to dissapoint.
    He's an incredibly talented systems administrator that always manages to come up with unique solutions to problems.

    If you want someone reliable & skilled who will solve problems before they happen to you, hire Jack.

  • Matthew W

    Matthew W

    Testimonial pending.

  • Matt W

    Matt W

    Testimonial pending.




  1. DST (Digital Support Technician) Apprenticeship


    As my first industry experience, I have enrolled in a DST Apprenticeship at a local school.
    I will be working with the IT team to provide support to staff and students, as well as maintaining the school's IT infrastructure.

  2. College


    At college, I took 4 courses; A-Levels in Computer Science and Business Studies, a BTEC in IT and an AS-Level in Core Maths.
    I achieved a Distinction in my BTEC, a C in Computer Science, a C in Business Studies and a A in Core Maths.

  3. Secondary School


    I studied at a local secondary school in England, where I achieved 9 GCSEs.
    My chosen optional subjects included Computer Science, Business Studies, Graphic Design & French. I passed all of my courses with grades ranging from 6-9.


  1. Project Manager & Systems Operations Lead, Storyfire Oasis


    Most recently, I have become the Project Manager and Lead of Systems Operations at Storyfire Oasis, a games platform based on the Storyfire platform.
    I am responsible for assisting and managing team members, and ensuring our infrastructure is secure and efficient.

  2. General Manager, Orbital Studios


    Whilst freelancing I was offered the opportunity to work as a General Manager at Orbital Studios, a freelance team based on Discord.
    I was responsible for managing the team, ensuring projects were completed on time and to a high standard, and providing support to the freelancers and clients.

  3. Freelancer

    2020 - 2023

    In recent years, I have been working as a freelancer, providing services such as development, configuration, system engineering and writing.
    I have worked with a variety of client, in teams such as Orbital Studios, DevRoom, Candor Services, etc.

  4. Solo Developer & Configurator


    For various years before professional work, I have been developing and configuring passion projects, such as various game servers including multiple (5+) years with Minecraft, and a year or so with FiveM.
    In my spare time, I still work on passion projects and continue to learn new technologies.

My skills

  • Discord Bot Development (JavaScript)
  • Writing
  • Time management & project organisation
  • Systems Engineering (Linux)
  • Web Backend & API Development (JavaScript)


Please note: I am still in the process of setting up my blog site, and writing case studies for my portfolio. In the mean time - some of these cards may not link to the correct place. Watch this space!


My blog is currently under construction. Check back soon for updates!


Contact Form

Want to work with me? Use my socials linked below and let's get in touch!
(My contacts below are ranked most to least responsiveness)